Dear Mother … great creatrix of all that is,
Please fill this writing adventure with your holy presence.
And fill me with your sacred wisdom and insights.
Please bless and support me, and all writers who have important tales to tell.
Please help me connect to Mother Earth below, as I reach my arms to the star goddess above.
Help me stay grounded and open us to new possibilities.
Let me trust that the universe is filled with cosmic writing assistance.
I call to the Divine Mistress of Writing and Words, the Egyptian goddess, Seshat.
Please bless me with your sacred presence, Seshat.
Please show me how to honor you and how to access your special powers … your sacred scribal tools and talents, and your wisdom and experience …
Support me is accessing my deepest well of creativity.
Please protect me with your sacred animals and helpers so that we learn to form boundaries and parameters that keep our writing time sacred and protected.
Be with me, and bring in your tribe, of Thoth and Maat, and all the energies of the Egyptian divine … that will impart the wisdom I need and desire.
I give my thanks to all the divine energies that bless me on their path of writing.
Thank you for shining your bright light upon me today! And so it is.
To all those who want to write from the heart.
Your pen is your wand. May you create magic with your words!