Tools: Papyrus, favorite pen, string
Now that you've released things, imagine Seshat standing by like a divine guardian angel, ready to help you with your next steps. What do you need to get your writing adventure started?
· Do you need new pens or a new laptop computer?
· Do you need a few hours of daycare for your kids so you have some time, or someone to come in and clean your house?
· Do you need a good book idea?
· Do you need an agent?
Write Seshat a letter stating all the things you need, in the form of a gratitude list.
· Thank you for the beautiful journal
· Thank you for the time to write
· Thanks for my wonderful new agent
Write until you have nothing more to ask for. Take your letter and hold it to your heart, and thank Seshat in advance for helping you get your writing adventure off the ground. Roll up the papyrus into a scroll and tie it. Sketch out a small seven-pointed star on the outside and write, thank you, Seshat. Place the scroll on your writing altar for thirty days and then review it to acknowledge and thank Seshat for all the things on the list that were brought to you.